Supported Entry
An AKC supported entry is when a breed specific club “supports” their breed’s entry at an all-breed show by encouraging attendance for the show and giving out special prizes. It is a way to increase enthusiasm for a particular show, and specifically to build points in Conformation.
NSDTRC (USA) must gives permission in writing to all-breed/group clubs to list the entries of Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers in their shows as being supported by NSDTRC (USA). It must be remembered that the event itself is hosted by another club and is not technically an NSDTRC (USA) event or specialty.
Applications must be submitted 8 months if a repeat event and 10 months if a new event in advance of the date you wish to have the Supported Entry. After NSDTRC (USA) approval you and the all-breed show chairman will be notified.