In keeping with the Bylaws and philosophy of the Club, to protect and further the advancement of the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, the following Code of Ethics has been established:
Code of Ethics
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Club (USA)
Approved 1996 – Updated 2023
- I subscribe to the purpose of the NSDTRC (USA) as set forth in the Bylaws and will abide by the rules set down by the Club.
- I will acquaint myself with the NSDTRC (USA) approved Breed Standard for the NSDTR (Toller), and with principles of good health and grooming for the breed.
- I will exhibit sportsmanlike conduct – both spoken and written – before, during and after all events and will encourage others to do so. I will uphold the AKC Code of Sportsmanship and will refrain from spoken and written public criticism and malicious degrading of people and their dogs.
- I will ensure humane treatment, including proper feeding, maintenance, health care, and training, for all my animals and will encourage others to do the same.
- I will commit myself to continue education in matters pertaining to the care and training of the Toller.
- If I breed, I will strive to improve the Toller breed according to the NSDTRC Breed Standard. I will conscientiously plan each breeding, choosing only parents of appropriate temperament, appearance, and other desirable qualities.
- I will become aware of genetic defects that can be harmful to the breed. When breeding, I will endeavor to select animals that will reduce the incidence of genetic problems while enhancing the positive attributes and abilities of the breed. I will be open with all persons interested in the welfare of the Toller and will discuss possible physical or temperament defects in my own stock.
- I will act responsibly in regard to all puppies produced by my breeding for the lifetime of the puppies.
- I will never knowingly sell to or place a Toller with unethical persons or those who would not provide proper and humane care to the dog. I will refuse to sell any Toller to any pet shop or to any wholesale dealer in dogs.
- Should I become aware of the mistreatment, abuse, or need for relocation of any Toller, I will make every effort to be of assistance by notifying the breeder of the dog involved and the appropriate local authorities, and I will assist in any other manner in which I am able.