Club Awards

Awards recognizing achievement at the Annual National Specialty:

The Blaze Award

The Blaze Award is an award to recognize the High in Trial Master Scent Work dog at each annual National Specialty. Penelope Scott-Fox is the sponsor of this award in honor and memory of her beloved Blaze, MACH10 Javahill’s Flashback RN MXS3 PAD MJB4 PJD MFS TQX T2B9 SWD SWM SHDM WC DS CGCA CGCU TKA   (04/07/12 – 9/20/21)

The Blaze Award Information

Best Puppy Challenge Trophy

This trophy is a two-tiered wood base of natural-color cherry wood.  A crystal block with a 3-dimensional image of a Toller will adorn the top of the trophy.  The crystal block is illuminated from within the trophy with lighting.  This trophy is offered by Jamie Como and Kathy Koebensky-Como for the Best Puppy at a NSDTRC (USA) National Specialty, after they have won Best Puppy three times at previous National Specialties to become permanent owners of the Sagewood Kennel Best Puppy Challenge Trophy.  This trophy is offered on a three-time win basis, and possession of the trophy will be awarded permanently to any owner who wins the trophy three times at three different National Specialty Shows, not necessarily with the same dog.

Best Veteran Challenge Trophy

The trophy is an etched image of a Toller coming out of the water with a retrieved duck.  This trophy is offered in memory of Robert Hoch by Dee Nichols (KD Kennels) and Laura White (Cinnstar  Retrievers) for the Best Veteran at the NSDTRC (USA) National Specialty.  This trophy is offered on a three-time win basis, and permanent possession of the trophy will be awarded permanently to any owner who wins the trophy three times at three different National Specialty Shows, not necessarily with the same dog.

High in Trial Obedience Trophy.

This trophy is a sliver cup on a wooden base.  This High in Trial Trophy is offered by Lonetree Kennels through the NSDTRC (USA).  This trophy is offered on a three-time win basis and permanent possession of the trophy will be awarded to any owner who wins the trophy at three different National Specialty Shows, not necessarily with the same dog.

Tenderfoot Obedience Award

Each year, Region 2 will give an Award to the highest scoring dog/handler team in the Novice A obedience class.

This award was originally conceived by Evelyn Williams as a way to encourage Toller owners to become involved with obedience competition with their dogs. Evelyn became involved in Tollers in 1989, and during her lifetime trained her Tollers to the highest level in obedience and in the field. Obedience was one of her favorite dog sports because of the teamwork involved, and because of the foundation it provides any future work in the field.

Parklake Award

The Parklake Award is an award to honor the breeder(s) of the Best Stud Dog at each NSDTRC (USA) National Specialty. It is named in recognition of Parklake Kennels, and Jack and Peggy Park, and their contributions to our breed.

Parklake Award Information

Windy Award

The Windy Award is an award to recognize the High in Trial Master agility dog at each annual National Specialty. Nancy Tucker is the sponsor of this award in honor and memory of her beloved Windy, MACH HR Cinnstar’s Windy Taramac CDX JH MXB MJS NAP OJP RE CGC WCI VCX CDX-C, JS-E, RS-E, W-FD, DD-SJ, UAD SJI, USJ, SD (October 13, 2003 – October 17, 2013).

Windy Award Information

Awards recognizing achievements over the course of the year(s):

Lifetime – Heart of the Club Award

The Heart of the Club Award is an annual, nomination based, award to recognize and honor club members who go above and beyond to serve the Club. Winners will receive honorary lifetime membership to the NSDTRC (USA). In addition, they will be gifted with $250 toward a custom artwork commission of a Toller image of their preference.

Nominees must have been a member in good standing with the club for at least 5 years. A member cannot nominate themself. Nomination essays shall be submitted to the Secretary no later than June 30th of each year.  An award committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors on an ad hoc basis upon receipt of nominating essays. The award may go to an individual or couple. A person can only win once. This award will be given out at the yearly awards banquet and the essay will be published in Quackers.

Nomination Form

Rusty Jones Awards

Each year at the NSDTRC (USA) Annual Awards Banquet, the club recognizes our most versatile dogs by presenting them with the Rusty Jones Award. The award is named after CH Sylvan’s Rusty Jones CDX WC, one of our earliest versatile Tollers.

To be eligible, a dog must have earned an NSDTRC (USA) Championship, AKC Companion Dog title and an NSDTRC (USA) Working Certificate. Titles may be earned over several years.

Rusty Jones Award Application

Sylvan Kennel Award

Each year Lennoxlove Kennel will award the Sylvan Kennel Award to the Toller who has earned the highest average score of the first three qualifying scores towards an American Kennel Club obedience title, up through and including the UD title.

Sylvan Kennel Award Information

Sylvan Kennel Award Application

Versatility Program

If you and your dog have succeeded in titling in three or four different venues, you may be eligible for a versatility certificate. Applications for the NSDTRC (USA) Versatility program continue to be accepted on a year round basis.

Versatility Program Information

Evelyn Williams Award of Excellence

Annually, the club offers the Evelyn Williams Award of Excellence as a means of recognizing members of the NSDTRC (USA) that own and handle their Tollers to the highest levels of titling and achievement. Titles and/or achievements in conformation, obedience, field tests, field trials, tracking, and agility are venues in which the owner/ handler may qualify for this award. Examples of titles include the UD, WCX, MHR, TDX, and the various agility titles awarded at the highest levels. Examples of achievements that may qualify the owner/handler for the award are Best in Specialty, Best in Show at an all-breed event, or High in Trial (score of 195 or greater). There are contingent rules surrounding most of the achievements, so read the rules carefully.

Evelyn Williams Award of Excellence Information
Evelyn Williams Award of Excellence Application

Admiral Halsey HOT Dog Teamwork Award

Each year the Admiral Halsey HOT Dog Teamwork Award will be given to each team of Toller and Owners(s) who have completed all their training and hunt tests or field trials together and achieved any level of an AKC field title: Junior Hunter, Senior Hunter, Master Hunter, Field Champion or Amateur Field Champion. Owner(s) refers to all co-owners of the dog.

HOT Dog Teamwork Award Information
HOT Dog Teamwork Award Application

Rising Star Award

Each year Sydney Jones will award the Rising Star Award to the owner of the brood bitch that produced the most AKC champions in the previous calendar year. The award would be based on AKC and Pedigree statistics, over the course of a calendar year of January through December, which would be calculated by the NSDTRC (USA) statistician.

Rising Star Award Information

Rising Star Award Application

Struan Award

This is a perpetual trophy to be awarded to the NSDTRC (USA) member-handler of the oldest dog of either sex to earn a Working Certificate Intermediate at a NSDTRC (USA) Hunt Test. To be eligible for the award, a dog must be five (5) years old or older on the day of the test and not have earned a title in any field testing program at a level that involves a double marked retrieve.

Struan Award Information

Struan Award Application

Roy’ll Flush Award

Award given to any Toller that earns both an AKC MH title and an AKC CH title in which the owner has been a member in good standing for a minimum of one year. The awards will be presented to those eligible during the previous eligibility period (July 1 – June 30) at the Annual Awards Banquet. This award is presented to honor HRCH U-UD GRCH Can/Am/NSDTRC Ch Springvale’s Roy’ll Flush NSDTRC CDX Can CD Can/NSDTRC WCX MH. Sue Dorscheid and Mike Elmergreen present this trophy through the Club to memorialize Roy, to encourage Toller owners to maintain the versatility and working ability of the breed, and to strive for excellence in conformation and in the field.

Roy’ll Flush Award Information

Roy’ll Flush Award Application

Eddy Advanced Versatility Award

This is an award to recognize the versatile abilities of Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers competing and successfully earning the highest advanced level AKC Titles. To qualify, a dog must earn an NSDTRC Championship (USA), and any two of the following working titles from AKC: An Obedience Trial Championship (OTCH), Master Agility Championship (MACH), Champion Tracker (CT), or Master Hunter (MH). It is possible the award will not be presented every year.

This award is presented by John & Marie Simonson to the recipient to honor Eddy, their first Toller, CAN/AKC/NSDTRC(US) CH AKC OTCH CAN MOTCH Westerlea’s Sir Edmund UDX4 OM1 MH US/CAN WCX VCX ROMX (5/2001 – 8/2013).

Eddy Advanced Versatility Award Information

Eddy Advanced Versatility Award Application

Meredith Noreen Memorial Award

In memory of Meredith Noreen, at the end of each calendar year, the Toller who achieves the #1 status in AKC Toller Breed Points and the one who achieves the #1 Toller in All-breed points shall receive a frameable certificate with the title “Meredith Noreen Memorial Award”.

Meredith Noreen Memorial Award Information